You're help me get settled in Caluquembe, Angola

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all! 

I'm home for Christmas for another week and wanted to take this time to personally thank all of you who have been supportive in one way or another of my amazing journey with God. 

First, your prayers have carried me through a few difficult times, frustrating times, fun times, and times of transition over and over again. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Second, some of you have made it a point to connect with me whenever possible through Facebook, phone calls, texts, emails, letters, etc.  I wouldn't have listed this as such a high priority previously, but my time away from home has underscored just how important it is to remain in contact with friends and loved ones as much as possible. Just hearing from you helped me to make it through more lonely times than I care to remember. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Third, many of you have offered financial support that has immensely helped as I transitioned to Angola. God has provided for my every need through your generous gifts and I am very grateful for your sacrifice. Missions cannot happen without prayer but it also cannot happen without financial support. Romans 10:15 “And how shall they preach, except they be sent?..." Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

My most recent change happened in December when I moved from Lubango (2nd largest city in Angola) to Caluquembe (the rural location where I'll spend the remainder of my two years of service in Angola). It took much longer than expected to move into my newly renovated home in Caluquembe, but I am thankful for the valuable knowledge I gained during my time helping at the hospital in Lubango!

Here are a few pics of my newly renovated home:
View of my home and car from the bottom of the driveway

View from my window on my 2nd day at the house - yes, those are cows and goats in my yard!


Full bath

Half bath

Guest bedroom for you to come see me!

Master bedroom

These pictures represent how the house looked when I moved in.  Samaritan's Purse/World Medical Mission (SP/WMM) has been very supportive with specific financial support used toward the renovation of the property and purchase of appliances/basic furniture.  SP/WMM has generously covered more than 90% of the costs associated with this move. In order to comfortably live in my newly renovated home, I will need assistance with purchasing items not covered by SP/WMM (i.e. dishes and flatware, curtains, furnishings for spare bedroom, microwave, towels and bedding, etc.).

If you would like, supporting my settling into this community and my new home would be a special gift by either: (1.) purchasing an item from my Amazon Wish List or (2.) offering a tax-deductible financial donation using one of the options below:

1.      Purchasing directly from Amazon using this link to my wish list. Items here are mostly for the house, some are for use at the hospital, and a few are for ministry or personal use. Prices vary to fit various budgets. All items will be shipped to my dear friend Sarah Relfe's home. Those received by January 8th will be taken back with me to Caluquembe when I return on January 9th. Those received after January 8th will be forwarded by Sarah Relfe to Samaritan's Purse and will be shipped to me at a later date.

2a.      Electronic financial donations may be sent to Samaritan's Purse by clicking this link. When the new page opens, scroll down until you see the box that says "Support a Missionary Doctor" then type my name in the box and follow the instructions.

2b.      Checks may be sent to Centreville Baptist Church. Please write my name in the memo line and mail the check to: 138 Court Square E  Centreville, AL 35042

Thank you all for your amazing support. God has promised to supply every single one of my needs according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus. During this amazing missions adventure, He has used you to provide for every need. So, I thank God for His provision AND I thank YOU for the role you have played in helping me to reach the lost and hurting in Angola, Africa.


Love and peace to you and your families during this holiday season,

P.S. - Please feel free to forward this email to those who might be interested in receiving this update.
P.P.S. - Call me, text me, or email me if you have questions! I'm on Christmas break here in the US and I'd love to hear from you even if you don't have questions! [(504) 232-2293,]


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